“The Forest in Your Mouth: What Structure Tells Us About Function”
Dr. Jessica Mark Welch
Marine Biological Laboratory
June 25, 2021
5:00 pm: Meeting Start
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:30 pm: General Meeting/Awards
8:00 pm: Poster Session A* — In Person
8:45 pm: Poster Session A* — Online
9:30-10:30 pm: Social Hour / Breakout Rooms
June 26, 2021
7:30-8:30 am: Breakfast
8:30 am: Hooke’s Micrographia and Vesalius’s Fabrica: Images Advancing Biology
Michael Hanophy – St. Joseph’s College
9:05 am: A Fluorescence-Based Genetic Screen Reveals Diverse Mechanisms Silencing Small RNA Signaling in E. coli
Jiandong Chen, Leann To, Francois de Mets, Xing Luo and Susan Gottesman - University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
9:25 am: Investigating Mechanisms of Metabolic Interaction Between Corynebacterium matruchotii and Oral Streptococci
Eric Almeida and Matthew Ramsey – University of Rhode Island
9:45 am: Interval
9:55 am: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans Both Accumulate Greater Biomass in Dual Species Biofilms Under Flow in Synthetic Cystic Fibrosis Media
Swetha Kasetty, Dallas L. Mould, Deborah Hogan, and Carey Nadell – Dartmouth College
10:30 am: The Role of Lipoteichoic Acid on the Survival of Listeria monocytogenes under Cellular and Environmental Stress
Imelda T. Brooks, Lynne McLandsborough, Earl Fleetwood, Taylor Rienzo, Madison Martin, and Taylor Poston - Charleston Southern University
10:50 am: Identification of Skin Microflora from Frogs That Inhibit a Pathogenic Chytrid Fungus
James M. Brooks – Charleston Southern University
11:10 am: Microbial Photography
Scott Chimileski – Paul Smiths College
11:50 am: Group Photo
12:00-1:00 pm: Lunch
1:30-3:00 pm: Microbe Walk / Photography Workshop
A nature-walk focusing on microbial habitats and field marks
6:00 pm: Dinner
7:30 pm: Door-Prize Drawing
8:00 pm: Poster Session B** — In Person
8:45 pm: Poster Session B** — Online
9:30-10:30 pm: Social Hour / Breakout Rooms
June 27, 2021
7:30-8:30 am: Breakfast
8:30 am: Regulation of Gut Permeability by Bacteroides in Cystic Fibrosis
Rebecca A. Valls, Courtney Price, and George O'Toole – Dartmouth College
9:05 am: Site-Specificity of Streptococci in the Healthy Human Oral Microbiome
Anthony R. McLean, Julian Torres-Morales, Gary G. Borisy, and Jessica L. Mark Welch – Marine Biological Laboratory
9:25 am: Land Use and Resource Amendment Impact In Situ Bacterial Growth Responses Within Soil Communities
Cassandra J. Wattenburger and Daniel H. Buckley – Cornell University
9:45 am: Interval
10:00 am: Determining the Essential Genome of Haemophilus parainfluenzae
Thais Harder de Palma and Matthew M. Ramsey – University of Rhode Island
10:20 am: Exploring Dispersal Limitation Across an Elevational Gradient Using the Bacterial Genus Streptomyces
Janani Hariharan and Daniel H. Buckley – Cornell University
10:40 am: Fluorescence Microscopy Shines a Light on Bacterial Giants
Esther Angert – Cornell University
11:30 am: NEMPET business meeting
12:00- 1:00 pm: Lunch and Departure
Are the Phosphotransferase and Two-Component Systems in Sinorhizobium meliloti Partners in Stress Response?
Robert Betsch, Francesca Samony, Catalina Arango Pinedo – St. Joseph’s University
The Quantification and Characterization of Microbial Communities in St. Lawrence University Water Bottle Filling Stations
Erica Byrne, Gabrielle Wangler, Morgan Timerman, Daniel Grant, Hunter Dean, and Lorraine Olendzenski – St. Lawrence University
Teaching Peer Review Skills for Undergraduates
Aurora McRae-Crerar – University of Pennsylvania
Prophages Present in Acinetobacter pittii Influence Bacterial Virulence, Antibiotic Resistance, and Genomic Structure
Richard Zhu and Vinayak Mathur – Cabrini University
Physical Interaction of HWE Histidine Kinase Sma0113 and Cognate Response Regulator Sma0114
Daniel Netting, Ryan Walters, Catalina Arango, and Preston Garcia – St. Joseph’s University and Castleton University
Exploration of Potential Protein Partners of Enzyme IIANtr in Sinorhizobium meliloti
Courtney Wallace, Catalina Arango-Pinedo, and Preston Garcia – St. Joseph’s University and Castleton University
Characterizing the Soil Microbiome in the Global Flora Through Rhoeo spathacea
Stephanie Consuegra, Vanja Klepac-Ceraj, Julie Roden – Wellesley College
The Transcription Factor fsd-1 Regulates Mating and Melanin Production in the Filamentous Fungus Neurospora crassa
Elizabeth Hutchison, Hannah Smith, Katherine Cotten, and Margaux Hales – SUNY Geneseo
A Comparison of Methodology and Outcomes in Teaching of Microbiology Lab Courses in the United States and France
Christa Chatfield – SUNY Cortland
Prevalence of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria on the Delaware Valley University Campus
Samantha Dysinger and Cynthia Keler – Delaware Valley University
Levels of E. coli and Salmonella in Commercial Raw Dog Food Diets of Varying Protein Sources
Julia Gatto and Cynthia Keler – Delaware Valley University
"What SUPP": An In vitro Model for Complex Oral Biofilms
Alex Labossiere and Dr. Matthew Ramsey – University of Rhode Island
The Effects of Microplastic Ingestion on Millipedes
Kristina Mackey, Blake Rhymes, S. Davidson, and M. Labare – USMA-West Point
How Do Microbial Communities Respond to Nutrient Perturbation?
Shreenithi Madan, Gati Aher, and Jean Huang – Olin College
Elucidating the Impact of Osmotic Stress on Heat Shock Cognate Protein 70 (Hsc70) Localization During Reovirus Infection
M. Claire Fenzl and Emily D. Ledgerwood – LeMoyne College
The Cost of pGlo Plasmid Under Non-Selective Conditions - Use It AND Lose It.
Sarah Weiby, and Mark Gallo – Niagara University